March 2021 second week updates – Facebook payout issue, Bravely Default 2, etc.

I have been expecting my 2019-2020 stars payout to be encashed this week and Facebook would not even notify me that my stars are put on hold.

If this problem persists until April 2021, I think it’s time to leave Facebook Gaming and join the Youtube and Twitch platform.

Recently, I have been dealing with my Facebook payouts problem since the first week of February 2021. I expected to have the payment this month, but I hope that Facebook will not screw me up.

For the weekly content, I started to stream Bravely Default 2 on a weekly basis while grinding in Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

Regarding the tentative schedule, please check below:

Soplak Gaming Schedule
March 8 Bravely Default II 5:00 PM
March 9 No stream
March 10 Bravely Default II 7:00 PM
March 11 No stream
March 12 Bravely Default II 7:00 PM
March 13 Bravely Default II 5:00 PM
March 14 Bravely Default II (tentative) 7:00 PM